Welcome to Intro to Milk Steaming and Latte Art
Welcome to Intro to Milk Steaming and Latte Art. This two-part course will carefully guide you through the steps of creating the perfect microfoam for any beverage. Once your milk is creamy, glossy, and delicious, we’ll teach you how to turn your cloud snakes into something impressive by demonstrating the first two basic latte art pours, the dot and the heart. We highly encourage you to spend a few days in part one, mastering the technique of properly steaming milk before moving forward to learn latte art. As perfectly steamed milk is a necessary ingredient for beautiful art, this step is a must.
Take notes and jot down your questions in the workspace throughout the course or save them for a one-on-one follow-up that is available upon completion of the course. You'll find the list of required tools for the course in the next module. Who's ready?